Day 3: Four beliefs/opinions
1. I believe in God. Enough flack has been given to those that go to church or don't go. Frankly, it all gets a bit tiring to hear. I don't think our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would want us to bicker over whether we attend a gathering of like minded individuals just to save our immortal souls. I do not care for Sunday Christians or those that preach but don't practice. In my eyes, and my heart, you are a Christian if you act the Christian part and tell others you believe in God but don't pressure them. If they want to know more, God will open their mouths to ask for more of you; or will guide your own heart to the right thing to say to let that person know what is what about Him - and His Word.
2. Opinion - Dogs are better than cats. Sorry cat lovers...this is just what I truly do believe. Dogs just seem to have more character in my eyes and they just touch my soul more. When I look at a cat, I get the impression that they are staring down at me from a high perch saying something to the effect of "And just what do you think you are looking at?" Dogs will always give you the love you need when you need it. I just never got that love from a cat. This little cartoon says it best in my opinion (although I think that they DO know our names.)
3. I never believed in love at first sight and, in a way, I still don't. I DO believe that it is possible to feel something for someone you just met, but not Love. I felt it when I first met Robin five years ago and then was disappointed when I didn't see her again for almost 2 years. That feeling returned and was magnified when I did see her again and it made my whole world so much better. It reaffirmed my belief in God and how He has His hands in our lives at all times. For those that don't know the story of Robin and I, you can read it here on my wife's blog.
4. I believe in letting a person be private. What I mean by this is if a person desires to be alone or away from others, let them. Don't pressure them or try and make them do what they don't really want to do anyway. They could come to resent you for it. Give people the privacy and the right to make their own decisions and don't try to make it for them. When advice is wanted, most will seek it out. Don't give it if it isn't asked for. I admit this is a failing of mine at times. I find myself giving unwanted advice and for some reason, I just can't shut my mouth fast enough to let my brain catch up and warn me to stop. It hasn't gotten me into trouble...yet. But, I have known of those that have gotten into hot water over the words or "guidance" they have offered up. Let a person be private and run their own life. They don't live yours, why would you want to live theirs?
I especially like what you wrote for #4. As someone who is naturally quiet and introverted, I dislike it when people think that I need to be "fixed" or "brought out of my shell". I have also found that many people (NOT you) who go around trying "guide" others are often ignoring problems in their own lives.
I really like number one. I don't go to church often, because lately I've started to feel as though what the preacher says is simply THAT ONE person's opinion, and the people who attend it listen and believe it, thinking that's how we should all see it. I prefer to read things myself and figure out what I think about it, and I'm so sick of everyone fighting over the "right way" to be a Christian. It's frustrating. Since meeting Robin and going on the Joyous Living Retreat I went on a while back, I've been thinking that maybe I'm not really into labeling my religion, just like I don't label other things.
Cats FTW. ;)
I really like number four for a number of reasons.
I like what you wrote in #4. People often confuse my being quiet with being shy and timid. I'm not shy, and I'm not timid. I just don't see the need for awkward long stories that can be summed up in less than 3 minutes. I like to keep things short and to the point.
You haven't met the right cat yet.
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