Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Four Things - Day 4

 Sorry for the long delay between posts.  I have been extremely tired and just, to be honest, not into posting anything for a bit.  However, I am here now to post the next part of my wife's Four Things challenge that I signed on for. To see her site, visit her here atfouroclock.com

Day 4: Four Movie Recommendations

1 - The Ten Commandments: Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner play the lead roles in this awesome epic that is amazing to me even to this day.  The effects were spectacular and the story mesmerizing.  Believing in God and His wondrous displays were brought out in true and great Hollywood fashion in this movie.  I watched this for the first time when I was about 10 and as soon as I saw the dvd of it, I snatched it up. I watch this movie about once every couple of years now...thinking of watching it again soon, as a matter of fact.  The newer version, done in 2007, could not do this epic story justice in any way shape or form.  For true and amazing story telling at Hollywood's best, see this movie.

To me, next to the birth of Christ, this truly is the greatest story ever told.

2 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: I know. How can one go from talking of God to talking of sorcery and witchcraft, right?  Well, to be honest, I am a firm believer in God, however, I also believe that we can enjoy our life.  And that enjoyment comes in many forms.  For me, its movies, books, art, and games.  

With Harry Potter, Part 1, I was introduced to this amazing world of childish fantasy and wonderful dreams.  Someplace I always wanted to go as a kid.  As an adult, I could appreciate more the tenacity and gumption that went into making this movie.  The other movies in the series are good in and of themselves, but nothing will ever be better than the original one that started it all in my opinion.  

3 - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: I grew up as a child of television and books.  My mother introduced me to musicals and while I really could not appreciate most of them, I absolutely loved this one.  It was funny, yet serious.  It had such a sweet and caring undertone that one could not help but love the entire cast.  There were moments of frustration and moments of free thought.  The ending left you feeling really good about the future of the characters and you really felt as though you lived with the characters through all their ordeals.  To me this was one of Disney's best musicals...even best movie altogether.

4 - Facing the Giants: For all my talk of not liking sports, there are a few sports movies that I like. This is one of them, and it is not because of the sports, but the story behind it.  I have never felt so moved by a movie that contained any sport besides this one.  God plays a prominent role in our lives and it is very evident in this movie.  For a feel good, intellectual, and extremely satisfying movie, watch this one.  (Hint: If you have read the book "Fireproof" or seen the movie, you will most assuredly enjoy this movie.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that we should enjoy life. And I believe that movies/books such as "Harry Potter" probably contain themes that God approves of, such as being a true friend and doing the right thing.