Sunday, April 28, 2013

Four Things - Day 1

My wife over at started a challenge that I decided to join in on.

Day 1: Four likes and four dislikes


1- Reading : I like to read.  Hands down, reading to me is the single best experience to "get away from it all".  It is my Calgon, my escape from reality.  I still recall the very first book I ever read from cover to cover.  It was "Charlotte's Web".  I remember being so proud of myself at finishing it that I wanted to read more and more.  I became a reading machine.  I read books like others ate, ( and at times I even read instead of eating.) It truly became a passion that I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of.  To me, my toy store was the local bookstore growing up.  I would take paperbacks in to be traded and get new books.
Of every book I have ever read though, the one that stands out to me as my all time favorite is "Hobgoblin" by John Coyne.  It was and still is an amazing book in my opinion.  Every time I go to a used book store, I look for a copy of it as it is out of print now.  I have owned multiple copies of this book in my life but currently only have one.  For a synopsis of it, you can go here.

(source: here)

2- Video Games : I have always loved video games.  It is another form of escapism for me.  I remember going to see my uncle and playing Wishstone on his Amiga computer.  It was a text based game and I was enthralled by it.  I played it for hours and hours, trying to solve the puzzles.  I never finished it, much to my dismay...but I still have great memories of playing it. 
Now, I don't play much else besides World of Warcraft (WoW).  This game has had its share of flack in the 8+ years it has been out and I don't totally disagree that it can be very addicting, but it is also a very well developed and well thought out game rich in detail and story.  Some people get completely addicted to it so much so that it runs their lives in every aspect.  "Go out with friends...." Bah, why bother, all their friends are in WoW.  Not me...although I will admit that I can get sidetracked by it...I will always say and believe that my best friend is here beside me every wife.  

3- Movies : Starting to see a pattern here? Ya, me too.  I guess I like a lot of various forms of entertainment. Movies tend to show me emotion rather than just read about it.  I love a well done saga like Lord of the Rings or Roots or Star Wars.  I enjoy musicals like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  My wife introduced me to a favorite, The Phantom of the Opera with Gerard Butler.  I think that, given a choice between a good modern movie and a classic, however, I would stick with the classics.  Ten Commandments and Cleopatra were very well done sweeping epics that just enthralled me, even as a kid.

4- Coffee : Must have coffee.  I cannot function without my coffee.  I grew up getting my mother coffee everyday and when I was twelve, I was allowed a cup. I remember how bitter and awful it tasted.  I remember my mother laughing at the face I made and then she doctored it with a bit of sugar and cream.  I was in love with it since then.  My current favorite is a good cup of coffee with sweet cream that you buy at Publix grocery store.  It is not too sweet with just a hint of milk. 
Oh, and my wife makes a mean cup of joe! She is so perfect for me. 

(source: seen on various sites)


1- Know-It-Alls : If you have read the post I made "What/ Who is "Kho" and who am I?" then you know what I mean when I say this.  I cannot stand someone that knows everything about everything.  It drives me nuts.  You know the person I'm talking about...the one that has shaved faster than you because they found that secret way of doing it and refuses to tell you.  These people are "one uppers", always doing things better, faster and with more panache than you or anyone else on the planet.  
If they were so perfect at everything and know everything, then why is that person working a job making minimum wage?
Hell, if I was that damned smart and savvy then you can bet your one dollar to my millions that I would have that I would not be working so friggin hard to eat.

2- Moochers : "Hey buddy, can I borrow a dollar?" Sure, if I have it, you can borrow it.  I don't mind loaning money to someone, giving them a ride, helping with moving, etc...but when payback is due, don't leave me hanging.  If you say you will pay me back, do so. I've needed to borrow money before too and it is a humbling feeling to have to ask.  I always try to make sure I pay it back though.  
Oh, and say "Thanks" when you get the loan AND when you pay it back.  I can't stand those that mumble a quick thanks when they get the money and then act like you are ripping them apart when they hand the payment back to you.  I'm not a bank, I don't charge interest...say thanks for that at least.

3- The Twilight Series: Enough said.

4- Drugs : I guess you could call caffeine a drug, but at least it's legal.  I'm talking the illegal stuff.  I have/had friends and family that did drugs and, while I didn't like it, I let them do it.  I just don't want it around me or my family or in my home.  I have an aversion to illegal's called "I don't want to go to jail." and also that I don't really think it is an expense or necessity for me.   If you enjoy it, so be it...just keep in mind that I don't want to be a part of it.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with all your likes and dislikes. Especially the reading and videogames for likes and the know-it-alls under dislikes. :)

Anonymous said...

My friends and I were just talking about "know it alls" yesterday. I personally don't like the type of people who have to one-up everyone else's stories. It's like they HAVE to be perceived as the best at everything. I just think it's annoying and bragging.

I've never seen the Twilight series, but I remember reading the book when it came out a few years ago. I'm guilty for liking them! ahah I read all the books except the last one (it wasn't published until a year or so after I finished all the others so I lost a lot of interest)